scientific publications
Copies of many of these publications are available on Research Gate or Google Scholar or email us for a copy.
Coomes, O.T., Y. Takasaki, and J.M. Rhemtulla (2017) What fate for swidden agriculture under land constraint in tropical forests? Lessons from a long-term study in an Amazonian peasant community. Journal of Rural Studies 54: 39-51
Fox, T.A., J.M. Rhemtulla, N. Ramankutty, C. Lesk, T. Coyle, T.K. Kunhamu (2017) Agricultural land-use change in Kerala, India: Perspectives from above and below the canopy. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 245: 1-10
Beller, E., L. McClenachan, A. Trant, E.W. Sanderson, J. Rhemtulla, A. Guerrini, R. Grossinger, and E. Higgs (2017) Toward principles of historical ecology. American Journal of Botany 104(5): 1-4
Wood, S.L.R., J.M. Rhemtulla, and O.T. Coomes (2017) Cropping history trumps fallow duration in long-term soil and vegetation dynamics of shifting cultivation systems. Ecological Applications 27(2):519-531
Renard, D., E.M. Bennett, and J.M. Rhemtulla. (2016) Agro-biodiversity has increased over a 95-year period at sub-regional and regional scales in southern Quebec, Canada. Environmental Research Letters 11(12): doi:124024
Coomes, O.T., Y. Takasaki, and J.M. Rhemtulla (2016) Forests as landscapes of social inequality: tropical forest cover and land distribution among shifting cultivators. Ecology & Society 21(3): 20 (B)
Tomscha, S.A., I.J. Sutherland, D. Renard, S.E. Gergel, J.M. Rhemtulla, E.M. Bennett, L.D. Daniels, I.M.S. Eddy, and E.E. Clark (2016) A guide to historical datasets for reconstructing ecosystem services over time. Bioscience doi: 10.1093/biosci/biw086
Chen, D.M., B. Tucker, M.G. Badami, N. Ramankutty, and J.M. Rhemtulla (2016) A multi-dimensional metric for facilitating sustainable food choices in campus cafeterias. Journal of Cleaner Production 135: 1351-1362
Wilson, S.J., and J.M. Rhemtulla (2016) Acceleration and Novelty: Community restoration speeds recovery and transforms species composition in Andean cloud forest. Ecological Applications 26(1): 203-218
Wood, S., J.M. Rhemtulla and O.C. Coomes (2016) Intensification of tropical fallow-based agriculture: Trading ecosystem services for economic gain in shifting cultivation landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 215: 47-56
Renard, D., J.M. Rhemtulla and E. Bennett (2015) Historical dynamics in ecosystem service bundles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(43): 13411-13416
Mitchell, M.G.E., E. Bennett, A. Gonzalez, M.J. Lechowicz, J.M. Rhemtulla, J.A. Cardille, K. Vanderheyden, G. Poirier-Ghys, D. Renard, S. Delmotte, C.H. Albert, B. Rayfield, M. Dumitru, H. Huang, R. Kipp, M. Larouche, K. Liss, D.Y. Maguire, K. Martins, M. Terrado, C. Ziter, L. Taliana, K. Dancose (2015) The Montérégie Connection: Linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services, to improve decision-making. Ecology and Society 20(4): 15
Petty, A.M., C. Isendahl, H. Brenkert-Smith, D.J. Goldstein, J.M. Rhemtulla, A. Rahman, T. Kumasi. 2015. Maintenance and change in social-ecological systems: applying historical ecology to the study of resource management institutions. Global Environmental Change 31: 1-10.
Higgs, E., D.A. Falk, A. Guerrini, M. Hall, J. Harris, R.J. Hobbs, S.T. Jackson, J.M. Rhemtulla, and W. Throop. 2014. The changing role of history in restoration ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12(9): 499-506.
Roy, E.D., A.T. Morzillo, F. Seijo, S.M. Walsh, J.M. Rhemtulla, J.C. Milder, T. Kuemmerle, S.L. Martin. 2013. The elusive pursuit of interdisciplinarity at the human-environment interface. BioScience 63(9):745-753.
Ramankutty, N., J.M. Rhemtulla. 2012. Can intensive farming save nature? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10: 455–455.
Heller, E., J.M. Rhemtulla, S. Lele, M. Kalacska, S. Badiger, R. Sengupta, N. Ramankutty. 2012. Mapping crop types, irrigated areas, and cropping intensities in heterogeneous landscapes of Southern India using multi-temporal medium-resolution imagery: Implications for assessing water use in agriculture. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 78(8): 815-827. **Winner (3rd Place) – 2013 ERDAS Award for Best Scientific Paper in Remote Sensing
Coomes, O.T., Y. Takasaki, J.M. Rhemtulla. 2011. Land-use poverty traps identified in shifting cultivation systems shape long-term tropical forest cover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(34):13925-13930.
Ramankutty, N., E. Heller, and J.M. Rhemtulla. 2010. Prevailing myths about agricultural abandonment and forest regrowth in the United States. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(3):502-512.
Pijanowski, B.C., L.R. Iverson, C.A. Drew, H. Bulley, J.M. Rhemtulla, M.C. Wimberly, A. Bartsch, and J. Peng. 2010. Addressing the interplay of poverty and the ecology of landscapes: A grand challenge topic for landscape ecologists? Landscape Ecology 25(1): 5-16.
Rhemtulla, J.M., D.J. Mladenoff, and M.K. Clayton. 2009. Historical forest baselines reveal potential for continued carbon sequestration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(15):6082-6087.
Rhemtulla, J.M., D.J. Mladenoff, and M.K. Clayton. 2009. Legacies of historical land use on regional forest composition and structure in Wisconsin, USA (mid1800s to 1930s to 2000s). Ecological Applications 19(4): 1061-1078.
Rhemtulla, J.M., and D.J. Mladenoff. 2007. Why history matters in landscape ecology. Landscape Ecology 22 (Supplement 1): 1-3.
Rhemtulla, J.M., D.J. Mladenoff, and M.K. Clayton. 2007. Regional land-cover conversion in the U.S. upper Midwest: magnitude of change and limited recovery in Wisconsin (1850-1935-1993). Landscape Ecology 22 (S1): 57-75.
Rhemtulla, J.M., R.J. Hall, E.S. Higgs, and S.E. Macdonald. 2002. Eighty years of change: vegetation in the montane ecoregion of Jasper National Park. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32:2010-2021.
Coomes, O.T., Y. Takasaki, and J.M. Rhemtulla (2017) What fate for swidden agriculture under land constraint in tropical forests? Lessons from a long-term study in an Amazonian peasant community. Journal of Rural Studies 54: 39-51
Fox, T.A., J.M. Rhemtulla, N. Ramankutty, C. Lesk, T. Coyle, T.K. Kunhamu (2017) Agricultural land-use change in Kerala, India: Perspectives from above and below the canopy. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 245: 1-10
Beller, E., L. McClenachan, A. Trant, E.W. Sanderson, J. Rhemtulla, A. Guerrini, R. Grossinger, and E. Higgs (2017) Toward principles of historical ecology. American Journal of Botany 104(5): 1-4
Wood, S.L.R., J.M. Rhemtulla, and O.T. Coomes (2017) Cropping history trumps fallow duration in long-term soil and vegetation dynamics of shifting cultivation systems. Ecological Applications 27(2):519-531
Renard, D., E.M. Bennett, and J.M. Rhemtulla. (2016) Agro-biodiversity has increased over a 95-year period at sub-regional and regional scales in southern Quebec, Canada. Environmental Research Letters 11(12): doi:124024
Coomes, O.T., Y. Takasaki, and J.M. Rhemtulla (2016) Forests as landscapes of social inequality: tropical forest cover and land distribution among shifting cultivators. Ecology & Society 21(3): 20 (B)
Tomscha, S.A., I.J. Sutherland, D. Renard, S.E. Gergel, J.M. Rhemtulla, E.M. Bennett, L.D. Daniels, I.M.S. Eddy, and E.E. Clark (2016) A guide to historical datasets for reconstructing ecosystem services over time. Bioscience doi: 10.1093/biosci/biw086
Chen, D.M., B. Tucker, M.G. Badami, N. Ramankutty, and J.M. Rhemtulla (2016) A multi-dimensional metric for facilitating sustainable food choices in campus cafeterias. Journal of Cleaner Production 135: 1351-1362
Wilson, S.J., and J.M. Rhemtulla (2016) Acceleration and Novelty: Community restoration speeds recovery and transforms species composition in Andean cloud forest. Ecological Applications 26(1): 203-218
Wood, S., J.M. Rhemtulla and O.C. Coomes (2016) Intensification of tropical fallow-based agriculture: Trading ecosystem services for economic gain in shifting cultivation landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 215: 47-56
Renard, D., J.M. Rhemtulla and E. Bennett (2015) Historical dynamics in ecosystem service bundles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(43): 13411-13416
Mitchell, M.G.E., E. Bennett, A. Gonzalez, M.J. Lechowicz, J.M. Rhemtulla, J.A. Cardille, K. Vanderheyden, G. Poirier-Ghys, D. Renard, S. Delmotte, C.H. Albert, B. Rayfield, M. Dumitru, H. Huang, R. Kipp, M. Larouche, K. Liss, D.Y. Maguire, K. Martins, M. Terrado, C. Ziter, L. Taliana, K. Dancose (2015) The Montérégie Connection: Linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services, to improve decision-making. Ecology and Society 20(4): 15
Petty, A.M., C. Isendahl, H. Brenkert-Smith, D.J. Goldstein, J.M. Rhemtulla, A. Rahman, T. Kumasi. 2015. Maintenance and change in social-ecological systems: applying historical ecology to the study of resource management institutions. Global Environmental Change 31: 1-10.
Higgs, E., D.A. Falk, A. Guerrini, M. Hall, J. Harris, R.J. Hobbs, S.T. Jackson, J.M. Rhemtulla, and W. Throop. 2014. The changing role of history in restoration ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12(9): 499-506.
Roy, E.D., A.T. Morzillo, F. Seijo, S.M. Walsh, J.M. Rhemtulla, J.C. Milder, T. Kuemmerle, S.L. Martin. 2013. The elusive pursuit of interdisciplinarity at the human-environment interface. BioScience 63(9):745-753.
Ramankutty, N., J.M. Rhemtulla. 2012. Can intensive farming save nature? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10: 455–455.
Heller, E., J.M. Rhemtulla, S. Lele, M. Kalacska, S. Badiger, R. Sengupta, N. Ramankutty. 2012. Mapping crop types, irrigated areas, and cropping intensities in heterogeneous landscapes of Southern India using multi-temporal medium-resolution imagery: Implications for assessing water use in agriculture. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 78(8): 815-827. **Winner (3rd Place) – 2013 ERDAS Award for Best Scientific Paper in Remote Sensing
Coomes, O.T., Y. Takasaki, J.M. Rhemtulla. 2011. Land-use poverty traps identified in shifting cultivation systems shape long-term tropical forest cover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(34):13925-13930.
Ramankutty, N., E. Heller, and J.M. Rhemtulla. 2010. Prevailing myths about agricultural abandonment and forest regrowth in the United States. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(3):502-512.
Pijanowski, B.C., L.R. Iverson, C.A. Drew, H. Bulley, J.M. Rhemtulla, M.C. Wimberly, A. Bartsch, and J. Peng. 2010. Addressing the interplay of poverty and the ecology of landscapes: A grand challenge topic for landscape ecologists? Landscape Ecology 25(1): 5-16.
Rhemtulla, J.M., D.J. Mladenoff, and M.K. Clayton. 2009. Historical forest baselines reveal potential for continued carbon sequestration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(15):6082-6087.
Rhemtulla, J.M., D.J. Mladenoff, and M.K. Clayton. 2009. Legacies of historical land use on regional forest composition and structure in Wisconsin, USA (mid1800s to 1930s to 2000s). Ecological Applications 19(4): 1061-1078.
Rhemtulla, J.M., and D.J. Mladenoff. 2007. Why history matters in landscape ecology. Landscape Ecology 22 (Supplement 1): 1-3.
Rhemtulla, J.M., D.J. Mladenoff, and M.K. Clayton. 2007. Regional land-cover conversion in the U.S. upper Midwest: magnitude of change and limited recovery in Wisconsin (1850-1935-1993). Landscape Ecology 22 (S1): 57-75.
Rhemtulla, J.M., R.J. Hall, E.S. Higgs, and S.E. Macdonald. 2002. Eighty years of change: vegetation in the montane ecoregion of Jasper National Park. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32:2010-2021.